Coupled 1D-river and 2D-overland flow model to simulate the rainfall-runoff process in watersheds p. 6 Karima El Wassifi, Abdellatif Ouahsine, Hassan Smaoui, Philippe Sergent and Rachid Khiri Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.208 MB)References
Estimating uncertainties for urban floods modelling p. 13 André Paquier and Pierre-Henri Bazin Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.217 MB)References
Macroscopic modelling of urban floods p. 19 Vincent Guinot and Carole Delenne Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.574 MB)References
Integrated urban flood risk management approach in context of uncertainties: case study Ho Chi Minh city p. 26 Long Phi Ho, Thong Nguyen, Nguyen Xuan Quang Chau and Kim Dan Nguyen Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (2.054 MB)References
Impact of climate change on Gironde estuary p. 34 Vanessya Laborie, François Hissel and Philippe Sergent Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.231 MB)References
The marine flooding hazard along the western coast of Cherbourg Peninsula (Manche, France): a dynamic approach using both numerical modeling with LIDAR data p. 40 Manuel Rott, Sylvain Guillou, Ferhat Hadri, Emmanuel De Saint-Leger, Franck Levoy, Patrice Bretel and Jérôme Thiebot Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.912 MB)References
Modelling dynamics and exchanges of fine sediments in the bay of Brest p. 47 Alexis Beudin, Georges Chapalain and Nicolas Guillou Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.298 MB)References
Adaptation of coastal structures to mean sea level rise p. 54 Philippe Sergent, Guirec Prevot, Giovanni Mattarolo, Jérôme Brossard, Gilles Morel, Fatou Mar, Michel Benoit, François Ropert, Xavier Kergadallan, Jean-Jacques Trichet and Pascal Mallet Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.431 MB)References
Reinforcement requirement of breakwaters to counteract future sea level rise p. 62 D.T. Nguyen and J. Brossard Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.561 MB)References
3D numerical simulation of ship-induced waves and sediment transport in restricted waterways p. 68 Shengcheng Ji, Abdellatif Ouahsine, Hassan Smaoui and Philippe Sergent Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.115 MB)References
Wake numerical study of a vertical marine current turbine p. 74 Mathilde Belhache, Sylvain Guillou, Philippe Grangeret, Dominique Mouazé and Alina Santa-Cruz Published online: 21 January 2015 DOI: AbstractPDF (1.277 MB)References