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A diagnostic study of heavy rainfall events in upper Ganga and Sharda river basins, India

B. L. Sudeepkumar, C. B. Jayasankar, B. Lekshmi Mudra and Om Mani Singh
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 135 (2) (2023)

Statistical reconstruction of daily temperature and sea level pressure in Europe for the severe winter 1788/89

Duncan Pappert, Mariano Barriendos, Yuri Brugnara, Noemi Imfeld, Sylvie Jourdain, Rajmund Przybylak, Christian Rohr and Stefan Brönnimann
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AtmoSwing: Analog Technique Model for Statistical Weather forecastING and downscalING (v2.1.0)

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GEFS Precipitation Forecasts and the Implications of Statistical Downscaling over the Western United States

W. James Steenburgh, Wyndam R. Lewis, Trevor I. Alcott and Jonathan J. Rutz
Weather and Forecasting 32 (3) 1007 (2017)

The analogue method for precipitation prediction: finding better analogue situations at a sub-daily time step

Pascal Horton, Charles Obled and Michel Jaboyedoff
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (7) 3307 (2017)

Global Optimization of an Analog Method by Means of Genetic Algorithms

Pascal Horton, Michel Jaboyedoff and Charles Obled
Monthly Weather Review 145 (4) 1275 (2017)

Probabilistic precipitation and temperature downscaling of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis over France

Laurie Caillouet, Jean-Philippe Vidal, Eric Sauquet and Benjamin Graff
Climate of the Past 12 (3) 635 (2016)

Effects of Spatial Aggregation on the Accuracy of Statistically Downscaled Precipitation Predictions

Anne-Catherine Favre, Jérémy Chardon and Benoît Hingray
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (5) 1561 (2016)

Probabilistic precipitation and temperature downscaling of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis over France

L. Caillouet, J.-P. Vidal, E. Sauquet and B. Graff
Climate of the Past Discussions 11 (5) 4425 (2015)

Optimising predictor domains for spatially coherent precipitation downscaling

S. Radanovics, J.-P. Vidal, E. Sauquet, A. Ben Daoud and G. Bontron
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Optimising predictor domains for spatially coherent precipitation downscaling

S. Radanovics, J.-P. Vidal, E. Sauquet, A. Ben Daoud and G. Bontron
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10 (4) 4015 (2013)

Spatial relationship between the atmospheric circulation and the precipitation measured in the western Swiss Alps by means of the analogue method

P. Horton, M. Jaboyedoff, R. Metzger, C. Obled and R. Marty
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (3) 777 (2012)