Issue |
La Houille Blanche
Number 5-6, Septembre 1982
Page(s) | 462 - 471 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 November 2009 |
L'aménagement hydroélectrique du territoire de la baie James
Hydro-electric development of James bay
Vice-président Ingéniérie et Développement Société d'énergie de la Baie James
The James Bay Hydro Company has been mandated by the Government of Quebec to develop the waterways in the territory of James Bay to meet electricity requirements in the 1980's. The territory has a total area of 176 000 km2 , i.e. Close to one-third of the area of France. Whereas earlier projects, the Churchill and the Maniconagan - Outardes heads, (had been developed quite near the main communication routes, those in James Bay were developed in a quasi-Siberian environment where it was necessary to construct the transport and accommodation infrastructure. After ten years of work, over 85 % of the initial phase of the La Grande Rivière hydro-electric plant has now been completed. However, the development of the territory's rivers is far from complete. Twenty years will be needed to complete the second phase of the complex and implement two other projects : the Grande Rivière de la Baleine plant and the Nottaway, Broadback and Rupert river complex. The initial phase of the La Grande Complex - as it is known - includes the construction of three power stations, La Grande 2, La Grande 3 and La Grande 4 on the La Grande river. This river drains a 98 000 km2 basin with an average now of 1700013/sec. The underground station of La Grande 2, whose sixteen turbo-generator sets produce a total installed power of 5328 MW, has been in operation since 1981. The dam (length at the crest : 2835 m, height 160 m), has necessitated a 23 million m3 of earth fill, i.e. the same volume as was required for the thirty dykes retaining the water of the 2835 km2 reservoir. The spillway can discharge 15 300 m3/sec. The La Grande 3 station is equipped with twelve Francis turbines driving the same number of generators, which will produce 12.3 billion kWh. The first set was commissioned in June of last year. The La Grande 3 dam, the longest of the complex was completed in October 1980. The construction required a total volume of rockfill of 22.2 million m3. The 2460 km2 reservoir is confined by 67 dykes. The spillway is designed to discharge 10 100 m3/sec. The La Grande 4 station, like La Grande 3, is overground. With an installed power of 2637 MW, it will operate at full load in 1985, yielding an annual output of 14.1 billion kWh. Construction of the dam was completed in 1981 : 3600 m long, 125 m high, 20 million m3 of earthfill. There are eight dykes which correspond to an additional volume of 14 million m3 of fill. Two by-passes have been excavated to increase the potential of the La Grande river through two make-up reservoirs : the Eastmain by-pass and the Caniapiscau by-pass. The second phase of the La Grande plant includes the construction of five power stations, La Grande 1, Brisay, Laforge 1, Laforge 2 and Eastmain 1, which will add over 3200 MW to Quebec Hydro's installed power. The La Grande-Baleine plant will be installed on the Grande rivière de la Baleine, which is approximately at the same latitude as Moscow. Under the scheme construction is planned of three power stations (Grande-Baleine 1, Grande-Baleine 2 and Grande-Baleine 3), three spillways, one regulating structure and three new reservoirs. The total installed power of this plant will be 2900 MW. Under the programme presented by Quebec Hydro to the Government the first turbines would enter into service by 1990. The catchment basins of the three rivers, the Nottaway, the Broadback and the Rupert, where another complex (the NBR) will be developed, are located approximately 300 km south of La Grande Rivière. By combining the flows of these three rivers via relatively short canals and installing the bulk of the equipment on the lower section of the Broadback, it will be possible to obtain an annual output of approximately 47 billion kWh, i.e. approximately two-thirds of the output of the initial phase of the La Grande plant. Eleven power stations will be built, with a total installed power of 7 255 MW.
© Société Hydrotechnique de France, 1982