Free Access
Issue |
La Houille Blanche
Number 7-8, Décembre 1989
Page(s) | 599 - 605 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 October 2009 |
La Houille Blanche, N°7-8 (Décembre 1989), pp. 599-605
Peut-on encore parler de sécheresse au Sahara ?
Can one still talk of drought in the Sahara?
Institut de mécanique des fluides ENSEEIHT, Toulouse
Institut hydrométéorologique de la formation et de la recherche, Oran
Even in arid zones, the temporal variability of rare and minimum, but sometimes very violent, rainfall,has important consequences on the mainly pastoral economic life.
The authors study the characteristics of dry and rainy sequences along the Alger-Kano axis showing up the specific Hoggar effect.
By taking into account the various definitions of drought, they examine their significance for the climate of the Sahara desert.
© Société Hydrotechnique de France, 1989