Issue |
La Houille Blanche
Number 6, Août 1997
Page(s) | 58 - 65 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 August 2009 |
Modélisation de l'impact des activités anthropiques sur les nappes phréatiques côtières Cas de Chott Maria (Sahel tunisien)
Modeling of anthropic activities impact on coastal aquifers: case of Chott Maria
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, Tunisie
Division des Ressources en Eau du CRDA de Sousse, Tunisie
Chott-Maria's aquifer is recharged by precipitation, but also by non-treated waste-water injection through abandoned wells, partial infiltration of irrigation waters brought from the North, and treated waste waters used to irrigate gardens and golf playing-fields. Due to the urban extension, the pumping activity has moved from South to North but it has not quantitatively diminished and the risk of marine-water intrusion has not been discarded. Currently, the recharge by anthropic water injections constitute a hydraulic barrier against this marine-water intrusion. The mathematical modeling showed that the generalisation of the collective drain-network, by 2001, should be preceded by a redistribution, in space and time, of the pumping areas and rates. Otherwise, a marine-water intrusion with a width of 3 km would affect the northern sea-coast since 2006.
© Société Hydrotechnique de France, 1997