Issue |
La Houille Blanche
Number 1, Février 2003
Page(s) | 38 - 43 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 July 2009 |
Hydraulique et géopolitique
Hydraulics and global policy
Géographe, professeur à l'Université Paris-VIII, Directeur de la revue de géographie et de géopolitique , Président de la Société française de géopolitique
By geopolitics, it is necessary to understand today the analysis of all competitions of capacities on territories, whether they are conflicts between States which dispute sovereignty or the influence on more or less vast extents, or that they are on another level competitions inside the same State between political forces which are in competition for the political control of spaces of relatively small dimensions (of the urban districts for exomple). The analysis of these competitions of capacities must not only take into account their ratio of forces and the characteristics of each one of them, but also the geographical aspects and interest of the disputed territories. It should not only he examined the arguments thot each protagonist of these conflicts proposes to justify its rights or its claims, but also in a more general way its way (wrongly or rightly) of seeing the things and of posing the problems, in short its representations. We will see that today the representations of the world have a great importance as regards hydraulics. Powerful organizations ecologists effectively do lead war in the world against the realization of very great hydraulic work. It is there too about geopolitics since they are in competition of being able with States.
© Société Hydrotechnique de France, 2003