Issue |
La Houille Blanche
Number 2, Avril 2007
150e anniversaire des crues de 1856
Page(s) | 112 - 115 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 May 2007 |
Les bassins hydrologiques de l’Algérie orientale : ressources en eau, aménagement et environnement
The hydrological basins of eastern Algeria : water resources, planning and environment
Université Mentouri de Constantine, Faculté des Sciences de la terre, géographie et aménagement du territoire, Route d’Ain El Bey – 25000 Constantine, Algérie
Auteur de correspondance :
Eastern Algeria is characterized by major climatic contrasts and two opposed hydrologic systems: “Mediterranean” basins at north and sub arid basins at south.The hydrological data was valorised in area, using modern tools such as automatic mapping in particular. To obtain the mapping of water balance elements (rainfall, surface runoff, deficit flow and soil water deficit), each element were determined on a grid of 2 km of side.The aspects of protection and exploitation of water resources were considered. On the one hand, the vulnerability to pollution of the wadis in periods of low water requires an adequate treatment of effluents. On the other hand, construction of dams and planning inter basins water transfers are necessary to satisfy the increasing water needs of cities, industry and agricultural irrigation.
Key words: Ressources en eau
© Société Hydrotechnique de France, 2007