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Nikuradse Roughness Height Derived from a Physically Based Model Applied to a River Channel with Dunes
Jose M. Diaz Lozada, Francisco Pedocchi, Carlos M. García, Ana. I Heredia Ligorria and Roman Martino Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 150(4) (2024)
On the Capabilities of Emerging Nonintrusive Methods to Estimate Bedform Characteristics and Bedload Rates
M. Muste, H. You, D. Kim, G. Fleit, S. Baranya, R. Tsubaki, D. Abraham, T. O. McAlpin and K. E. Jones Water Resources Research 59(6) (2023)
Effect of non‐migrating bars on dune dynamics in a lowland river
T. V. de Ruijsscher, S. Naqshband and A. J. F. Hoitink Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(6) 1361 (2020)
Dune Contribution to Flow Resistance in Alluvial Rivers