Issue |
La Houille Blanche
Number 2, Avril 1990
Page(s) | 141 - 148 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 October 2009 |
Influence des caractéristiques hydrauliques des biefs sur la propagation des pointes de crue
Influence of the hydraulic characteristics of river ponds on the propagation of flood peaks
Ingénieur, élève-chercheur de l'Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, en stage à la division hydrologie du CEMAGREF-ANTONY
Ingénieur à la division hydrologie du CEMAGREF-ANTONY et au CERGRENE
In the field of the hydrology of the natural environment, il is often necessary to have to accept approximative results due to the uncertain nature of hydrological information. Moreover, very often what is only of interest are the increasing and reduction characteristics of a flood peak and its form seems to be only of secondary interest. This is the type of problem that the authors attempt to resolve, at the expense of a certain number of simplifications, holding on to the main variables and enabling us to come up with a simple rapid method which gives us an initial estimation of the main elements of a propagation. We may thus reduce the number of practical problems such as, for example, appreciation of the impact of a river development on high-water peaks which would make the Strickler coefficient go from an average value of 25 to an average value of 35.
© Société Hydrotechnique de France, 1990